my trading strategy

-stop being greedy
-know what you are doing while trading
-stay  calm and study the market before you start trading and know whether it is a trend trading or a line break trading and know the direction of the market
-use one minute chart for trading
-be patience on the market before you enter after knowing the market direction.
-apply risk management strategy while entering the market
-if it is a trend trending movement enter the market and stay for longer period of time while if it is a line break trading,trades towards the market direction while collection your profit and not staying for longer in that market direction
-collect your profit provided that it is ranging between 20 to 30 pips or even more
- if the market against you and it is negative 60pips,wait and open another position towards the direction that you will have entered the previous market that has gone against you provided there is a trend movement market


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